This tool calculates the size of a raid based on plants that are growing on your farm. For the raid mechanics, see below.
No raid, farming is safe.
Raid level: {{raidCtrl.raidLevel}}
Crop value: {{raidCtrl.cropValue}}
Throughout the day, beginning from 4:30, every tick a random chunk gets scanned for crops. If the crops value is together more than 10, a raid will be created and saved. If you gather the crops before the raid, it doesn't matter, as you'll still be attacked.
Raid level determines how many bots do you get. The more crop value, the more bots. There's currently 10 levels you can get, play with the numbers in the tool to see them all. Raids level 7+ require you to plan pineapple and/or broccoli in larger amounts (e.g. at least 5 total for level 7).